Thursday, 14 July 2011

Your Fortune Told You So

July 14, 2011

A pair with bad breath;
Smooshed breasts for one;
A sideways tangle;
A social stranglehold.

Thoughts danced,
Actions were wrought.
If not for tarot,
Would we have this plot?

Angst is high.
Prices are nigh.
Shit's shot,
This crap dropped.

Disappointment awaits
Any fool
Crowned by you.
Lo, this knight of cups.

Shit's dropping,
Temperature climbing.
The sign on the wall
Says cancer.

The mixing of scorpio,
Unraveled by
Outside forces --
Dictates disaster.

With the hermit
On guard,
And the ace of cups present,
Will anyone be left in high regard?

A pair with no voices,
No logic to spare.
These sideways advances,
Our social peers compare.